Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome to First Steps

First a brief explanation of the title "First Steps." I chose this because there have been and still remain many goals and life experiences I wish to accomplish. However, for me the challenging part has always been the first steps. I soon found that by sharing my goals and experiences with others has made taking those first steps that much easier. I've also learned that first steps are steps we have the chance to take daily in many areas of our life.

My goal for this blog is to share my personal journey of "First Steps" in a effort to encourage others to do the same. I will do this through the medium of running. Now, before you run(pardon the pun) screaming away, let me define running. For me a runner is anyone who laces up a pair of running shoes with the intent of moving their body from one place to another in the hopes that someday they can either get a little faster, go a little longer, breath a little easier, get a little thinner, feel a little healthier or get a littler stronger. Running as always been for me about moving at whatever pace possible. True runners understand the spirit of running that exists in the people I've described above. A true runner will never make you feel bad about how you look or how fast you run (or shuffle, or scoot), they will be impressed that you are sharing something that they love also. I know from my own personal experiences of getting out of my comfort zone and the experiences of those I have coached, that act of training for a running a race of any distance and completing the distance, has life changing potential.

I want to use this blog to share my personal goals, challenges and experiences in a hope that you, the reader, will do the same. I know if we do it together, there is nothing we can't do.

Remember, "It's not how's how far you've come and how far you want to go." --Coach Bill

Talk to you all soon,
Coach Bill

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    Excellent start! I will look forward to your future posts. Your attitude has inspired me and many others to work to achieve goals we had thought to be out of reach. When I am running I am in my comfort zone and confident. Leading a running club is well out of my comfort zone but you have given me the confidence to at least try something new. I will let everyone know about this blog.
